February 20, 2025

Nila Petersheim

Smart Applications

Google Glass On The Road To Augmented Reality


Augmented reality is a very exciting technology that’s on the cusp of changing our lives in many ways. I’ve been following the developments in AR for several years, and have seen it grow from a novelty to something that has real potential to change how we interact with the world around us. Google Glass has been one of several devices leading this charge, but there are others coming soon from companies like Microsoft and Apple. These devices will allow us to do things that weren’t possible before, such as shop online without having to go onto websites or even use apps on our phones—all while being able to see what we’re buying! The possibilities really are endless once this technology becomes widespread.

Head Mounted Displays are coming.

If you’re like me, you’ve probably been trying to keep up with all of the new technology coming out of Google’s research labs. But since it’s so easy to get lost in the weeds of what they’re doing and where they’re going, let’s take a step back and look at their latest creation: Google Glass.

The first thing you’ll notice about this device is how small it is compared to other head mounted displays (HMDs). The second thing is how much better it looks than previous HMDs on the market today (I’m looking at you Oculus Rift). But what makes this piece of hardware so special? Well, let’s start with what they didn’t do: they didn’t try making another pair of glasses! Instead, they took something familiar (glasses) and made it better by adding some extra features like cameras, microphones and speakers into them so that users could interact with them hands free whenever needed. This allows us full immersion into whatever world we choose because now our eyes aren’t distracted by buttons or text fields while wearing these devices anymore.”

Google Glass is already a pretty neat piece of hardware and software, but it’s just a toe in the water.

Google Glass is already a pretty neat piece of hardware and software, but it’s just a toe in the water. The technology has come a long way since the days of bulky headsets that can run on relatively low-power CPUs. Now, we have glasses like Google Glass that have batteries that last all day long while still being able to pack lots of processing power into them–and they’re only going to get better from here on out.

Google has already proven itself as an industry leader in augmented reality (AR) technology with Project Tango, which uses cameras and sensors to map out rooms or environments so users can interact with virtual objects while they’re moving around them naturally in real life at speeds similar to how humans walk around normally instead of using teleporters like those found in sci-fi movies like Star Trek: Discovery where characters are transported instantly from one place

There are some amazing things that can come out of this new tech.

There are some amazing things that can come out of this new tech.

Augmented reality has the potential to change the way we shop, learn and communicate with each other. Imagine being able to see what your new car would look like if you put different rims on it? Or maybe you could try out different outfits before buying them? Augmented reality will enable people to see things they wouldn’t normally be able to see or experience without having those experiences first hand.

AR is a very exciting technology because it enables people to see things they wouldn’t normally be able to see or experience, in a way that’s natural and not gimmicky.

AR is a very exciting technology because it enables people to see things they wouldn’t normally be able to see or experience, in a way that’s natural and not gimmicky. For example, imagine being able to walk around your city and point your phone at any landmark or building you want to learn more about–and then having an augmented reality tour guide appear on your screen! AR can also be used for education purposes by displaying information about whatever you’re looking at in real time. One day soon this could become as common place as using Google Maps when driving home from work (which is already pretty common).

AR was once just something seen in science fiction movies like “Iron Man” but now we have companies like Microsoft working hard on making it happen for everyone else through products such as HoloLens 2 which will reportedly integrate Amazon Alexa into its next-generation headset with built-in cameras that allow users interact naturally with holograms projected directly onto their eyes without needing any external hardware such as controllers or gloves; all they need do is speak commands into their smartphones!

The applications of augmented reality are endless.

The applications of augmented reality are endless. It’s a technology that will change the way we shop, learn and travel. AR will also play an integral role in communicating with each other in new ways.

Augmented reality will change the way we shop, learn, travel and communicate with each other.

Augmented reality is a very exciting technology because it enables people to see things they wouldn’t normally be able to see or experience, in a way that’s natural and not gimmicky.

AR will change the way we shop, learn and communicate with each other. Augmented reality apps are already available for download on smartphones and tablets. For example, if you’re looking at a pair of shoes online but can’t decide whether or not they’ll look good with your outfit–or even worse: if you want to see how they’d look before buying them–you could use an AR app like Magic Mirror by Shoeboxed to try them on virtually without leaving home!


Google Glass is just the beginning of what will be a huge shift in how we interact with technology. The possibilities are endless and I’m excited to see where this technology goes, not just in terms of what it means for Google but also how other companies react and adapt their products in response.